Som ni kan se av nedanstående meddelande från OFI (branschorganisation för de som jobbar med akvariefisk) så är det av yttersta vikt att också vi privatpersoner inte handlar med dessa djur. Visserligen är denna info främst riktad gentemot importörer men jag tycker att den även kan gälla för konsumenter
Hittar ni dessa djur i någon akvarieaffär så tala om för dem att det är smuggelgods de handlar med och att de förstör för sig själva, hela branschen, miljön samt hobbyn genom att sälja dessa djur.
Our Brazilian member Turkys Aquarium (Asher Benzaken) would like to point the OFI members to the situation with Stingrays in Brazil:
"At this time the export of stingrays from Brazil is prohibited due to the fact that the quota system for it has not yet been renewed. We are aware of the fact that some companies insist on the activity and illegally export stingrays. Some companies have been caught by the Brazilian Federal Police, giving the government further reason not to renew the quota system and thus harming the reaming companies that are committed, hard-working, and legal. The illegal exports are also harmful to seven years of research that have been extremely useful to the scientific knowledge that has allowed the quota system for stingray export itself.
We ask all OFI members to NOT import stingrays from Brazil until the day the government renews the quota system. At each apprehension of illegal stingrays in Brazil we move further away from the legalization of their export.
We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to also inform that Hypancistrus zebra L046 is a fish under a regime of protection and its export is strictly forbidden. So we also request OFI members not to purchase this fish for the same reason that more apprehension will give the Brazilian government reason to regard ornamental fish exporters as smugglers. As a consequence, each day it becomes harder to negotiate with the government the list of species that are allowed to be exported. As we all know, there are over 1500 known species of ornamental fish in the Amazon and the government only allows for the export of 180 of those species."
OFI strongly supports this request!
Hittar ni dessa djur i någon akvarieaffär så tala om för dem att det är smuggelgods de handlar med och att de förstör för sig själva, hela branschen, miljön samt hobbyn genom att sälja dessa djur.
Our Brazilian member Turkys Aquarium (Asher Benzaken) would like to point the OFI members to the situation with Stingrays in Brazil:
"At this time the export of stingrays from Brazil is prohibited due to the fact that the quota system for it has not yet been renewed. We are aware of the fact that some companies insist on the activity and illegally export stingrays. Some companies have been caught by the Brazilian Federal Police, giving the government further reason not to renew the quota system and thus harming the reaming companies that are committed, hard-working, and legal. The illegal exports are also harmful to seven years of research that have been extremely useful to the scientific knowledge that has allowed the quota system for stingray export itself.
We ask all OFI members to NOT import stingrays from Brazil until the day the government renews the quota system. At each apprehension of illegal stingrays in Brazil we move further away from the legalization of their export.
We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to also inform that Hypancistrus zebra L046 is a fish under a regime of protection and its export is strictly forbidden. So we also request OFI members not to purchase this fish for the same reason that more apprehension will give the Brazilian government reason to regard ornamental fish exporters as smugglers. As a consequence, each day it becomes harder to negotiate with the government the list of species that are allowed to be exported. As we all know, there are over 1500 known species of ornamental fish in the Amazon and the government only allows for the export of 180 of those species."
OFI strongly supports this request!